Video Wall Builder

If you are looking at building a Video Wall, look no further. Here at SureMount, we have the components to help you customise your own multi screen system.

All you need to do is work out which components to use and calculate the length of the rails that the screens will sit on. Need a hand? We can help!

SVW2x1-P400 Video Wall With TVs Mounted

Try our useful Video Wall Configurator to help work out your requirements

What you will need:

Aluminium rails come in varying lengths and are can be joined together to create longer rails.  These form the ‘backbone’ of the system and are secured to the wall bracket that attaches to the wall. They are available in 3 lengths – 480mm, 680mm and 1m.

SAR1000 Aluminium Rail

Aluminium rail joiners are used to extend the aluminium rails out to the desired length.

SAREXTBAR Aluminium Rail Extn Bars

The aluminium rail end caps are used to finish the rail off and make the end product look professional, sleek and stylish.


Wall brackets are used to mount the aluminium rails to the wall. Typically you require one wall bracket per screen.

SARWALLBKT Aluminium Rail Wall Bracket Angled Left

There are four different varieties of TV supports that are used depending on the size and configuration of the video wall you are building. Choose from the list below:

  • Fixed Arms are typically used where 1-3 screens are mounted on a single rail. Fixed Arms come in sets of two.

Video Wall Fixed TV Mount SARFIX400

  • Adjustable Fixed Arms are typically used where 3 or more screens are mounted on a single rail. The micro adjustment makes aligning your screens an easy process. Adjustable Fixed Arms come in sets of two.

Video Wall Adjustable Fixed TV Mount SARADJFIX400

  • Tilt Arms are great for menu boards used in the hospitality industry or for applications that require tilt.  Tilt Arms come in sets of two.

SARTILT400 Video Wall Tilt Arms

  • Popout Arms are perfect for mounting a number of screens where more than one rail is used. The up, down, in and out micro adjustment makes putting together large video walls easy. The popout feature allows the installer to easily access cables and/or replace a screen if necessary.

SARPOP400 Angled Right Popped Out

Alternatively Click here to contact us now and we will help you work out your requirements